The Catholic school…community encourages belonging in diversity by listening to and celebrating the narratives of each member, ensuring all voices are heard and engaging many perspectives in dialogue with Catholic beliefs and practices” (Horizons of Hope, 2017).
At Our Lady’s School, our Faith Life Inquiry Learning is at the centre of our catholic school, enabling the delivery of the Victorian Curriculum as well as the faith and spiritual development of its learning community.
Our Inquiry approach, supported by Education Consultant Kath Murdoch, embraces the philosophy of ‘lifelong’ learning and is a process that draws on a range of tools and strategies to develop thinking and meta cognition.
We provide opportunities for children to notice the sacred in the ‘every day’ by making Jesus real and relevant through our actions and interactions with one another with an authentic focus on social justice. In our Faith Life Inquiries, children learn from different religions, beliefs, values and traditions, while exploring their own beliefs and making meaning through a merging of an inquiry mindset and a pedagogy of encounter.
The Sacraments
Children from Foundation to Year Six learn about the Sacraments within the Faith Life Inquiry. The school community participates in the Sacramental Program, with baptised Catholic students celebrating the Sacraments in Our Lady’s Church.
The Sacraments are key milestone events where the children encounter God’s presence and are the greatest means through which we hear the best of ‘good news’ and are touched and embraced by God in ways which lead us to a’ life fully lived.’
First Reconciliation, also known as Penance and Confession, is received in Year 3.
First Eucharist, also known as First Holy Communion, is received in Year 4 and Confirmation in Year 6.