
In effective learning communities...differentiated and engaging learning paths for students that progress their learning are planned and implemented.  -  Horizons of Hope: Pedagogy, 2016, p. 8


At Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Parish Primary School, we believe that Mathematics is an essential tool to effectively participate in our society and interpret the world mathematically.  It has applications in all human activities, crossing cultural and linguistic boundaries to provide a universal way of solving problems.


Mathematics has its own value and empowers the user to communicate understandings logically and concisely. In the mathematics classroom, being numerate extends past the simple application of routines. It involves students recognising that Mathematics is applicable to real world scenarios beyond the classroom. Students are encouraged to respond mathematically towards a range of cultural, social and technological advances. This encompasses a whole network of interrelated and interdependent concepts and relationships which provide a way of viewing and making sense of the world.


The Mathematics Policy responds to a model of differentiated support that considers individual students’ needs and their “current progress in their numeracy improvement journey” (CEM 2015 Mathematics, pg. 5)


The Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Parish Primary School Mathematics Program aims to:

  • Maximise mathematical potential by organising curriculum around three concept strands Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability and four proficiency strands
  • The proficiency strands understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning reinforce the significance of working mathematically within the content and describe how the content is explored
  • Improve mathematical understandings and numeracy skills of students by developing mathematical thinking through explanations, reflections and sharing of strategies
  • Use a variety of assessment strategies to gather data, design learning opportunities and provide feedback on student learning
  • Provide targeted teacher groups based on individual needs, as well as open-ended investigations that differentiate, enable, extend and engage students of all abilities
  • Embed a process of inquiry in Mathematics through the use of hands-on equipment, technology and questioning
  • Respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by applying mathematical strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently
  • Provide opportunities for mathematical skills to be used across the curriculum to enrich other learning areas
  • Use professional learning to promote effective mathematical teaching strategies

The Victorian Curriculum sets the core foundations of the Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Parish Primary School Mathematics Program. Using a yearly overview (ref: Michael Ymer) content will often be interwoven through the strands so that several connecting outcomes are addressed.

  • Using the Annual Action Plan, the Numeracy Leader plans, alongside the Leadership and Curriculum team, and facilitates Professional Learning Communities and Year Level Planning Teams
  • Learning teams will develop and implement a differentiated Mathematics program, based on a sequenced, comprehensive yearly overview and the OLPS Mathematics Planner
  • Pre-assessment data will inform planning and guide teachers to design differentiated programs that build upon previous learning and improve student understanding. This will enable teachers to plan intervention or advanced learning opportunities accordingly
  • Ongoing monitoring and formative assessment practices will assist in determining student growth and effectiveness of program (SINE, PATM, Portfolios, Work Samples, Anecdotal Notes, Self-assessments, Checklists, Pre and post-assessments, Reflections)


Mathematics session will encompass:

  • A Tools Session (number and mental mathematics)
  • Learning Intentions/Success Criteria are visible and highlighted at the beginning of each session
  • An independent activity to include group work, pairs and/or teacher focus group (task/s based on the assessment data gathered)
  • Share Time/Reflection (5-10 minutes at the end or incorporated within the session)

At Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Parish Primary School Mathematics Program we are responsible for implementing an effective and rigorous approach to support continual improvement in Numeracy. Teachers are responsible for improving student learning and engagement in Mathematics.


The Mathematics Leader is responsible for:

  • Leading teaching and learning approaches in Mathematics
  • Working with teams to build and maintain a professional learning community
  • Encouraging teachers to develop high expectations for learners
  • Assisting teachers to make informed decisions for continual improvement in Mathematics
  • Facilitating a school-based processes for monitoring, developing and reporting on learning and teaching outcomes in Mathematics
  • Delivering professional learning for teachers
  • Ensuring all teachers have the required content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge for effective professional practice to improve student learning outcomes in Mathematics
  • Providing teachers with targeted support to enhance their capacity to ensure improvement in student learning of mathematics which can be sustained over time
  • Purchasing, managing and storing of student and teacher resources


Classroom teachers are responsible for:

  • Successfully initiating and managing strategies for the continuous improvement of learning and teaching in Mathematics
  • Working effectively with the Mathematics Leader in year level teams
  • Writing a weekly work program addressing student needs and identifying targeted groups (Enabling, At Standard and Extension)
  • Identifying and recording in work program, a learning focus for each targeted group
  • Developing and implementing school-based processes for monitoring, developing and reporting on learning and teaching outcomes in Mathematics
  • Using learning outcomes and assessment data to inform and direct teaching and learning
  • Applying professional learning to planning and teaching
  • Borrowing and returning equipment to the allocated area



Staff will be supported to develop effective mathematics teaching and reflective practise through available professional development. This will be supported through regular Professional Learning Community meetings (PLCs) based on current research.


At Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, we value parental involvement in their child’s mathematical journey. Parents and carers can become familiar with the Mathematics Policy through the school website. Parents and carers can become more informed in Mathematics by effectively engaging in their children’s learning through Learning Walks and through our Parent Helper Program. The SeeSaw Learning App also provides parents with a snapshot of their child’s learning through individual work samples, posts and whole class posts.